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Mentoring is from the Greek word meaning steadfast or enduring and is defined as a sustained relationship, 通常在以职业为导向的环境中, between an experienced and trusted person who gives advice to another less–experienced person.

通过持续的参与, 导师提供支持, 指导, 当受训者(或学员)面临新的职业挑战时,他们会提供帮助, 经历一段艰难的经历, 或工作,以补救现有的问题.

在法律职业中,这意味着自愿, 互惠互利的专业成长关系, 职业发展, 以及个人成就感, 除了直接关系之外,哪些对其他人有益. “其他人”包括客户, 司法系统, 法律界, 法律合作伙伴, 家庭成员, 以及整个社区.


D.C. 酒吧 执业管理谘询服务 seeks to encourage professional mentoring relationships between experienced and less–experienced lawyers to facilitate the transfer of valuable information and insight into the practice of law.

而法律理论和应用可以在法学院学习, 法律职业的许多方面必须在工作场所学习, 无论是私人执业, 政府服务, 或者公司惯例. The mentor is encouraged to share experiences and provide counsel to less–senior colleagues on such topics as professionalism, 法律实务管理,专业发展, 从而成为一个值得信赖的顾问, 顾问, 和老师. 从个人关系来看, 以信任和保密为特征的, 经验不足的澳门赌场官网, 或“门徒”, 能了解澳门赌场官网对他们的真正期望吗, 合作伙伴, 法官, 和对手系统中经验丰富的对手.

There are two types of mentoring programs within a professional setting—natural and planned. Planned mentoring occurs within a structured environment or program in which voluntary participants are screened and matched through a formal application process. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, natural mentoring occurs through friendship and collegiality—more of a self-selection process.

PMSC几年前创建了一个试点的“计划指导”项目, 但结果强烈表明,澳门赌场官网协会成员更喜欢自然的指导方式. 因此, 而不是扮演媒人的角色, the PMSC has designed this web page to assist lawyers in the establishment of their own fulfilling mentor relationships.



  • 塑造法律实践的未来
  • 个人满足感
  • 回馈职业
  • 回顾自己的优点和缺点
  • 向你的前任学习


  • 有实质性、程序或道德问题可以求助的人
  • 学习法律实务
  • 提高生产力和性能
  • 提高声誉和专业水平
  • 对技能的客观反馈
  • 职业满意度提高


在过去,导师通常会选择门生来帮助他们在公司晋升. 今天, 门生往往更独立, seeking out a mentor or mentors whom they believe can be a successful match for their future. 反过来, the mentor also benefits from the insight and understanding from the protégé–more of a reciprocal mentoring experience.

不匹配往往造就最好的匹配. Conventional wisdom once held that you and your mentor should have much in common to make for a successful relationship. 然而, the emerging thought in the new world of mentoring is to have a mentor with different skills and background to provide a refreshing and challenging learning experience rather than a confirmation of your existing knowledge.

知道你想在师徒关系中完成什么——职业发展, 澳门赌场官网的技能, 平衡工作与生活, 增强专业, 开始练习, 等. Assess the contributions you can make to the mentoring relationship—what you have to offer the mentor. Define the reasons why someone would want to mentor you—why they should take the time to invest in your future. Share these at the appropriate time with your prospective mentor as you cultivate the relationship.

在你的法律生涯中,你可能需要几位导师. 不同的澳门赌场官网有不同的知识和技能, 就像你在职业发展过程中有不同的需求一样. 你可能同时有几个导师来帮助你练习的不同方面, 或者你可能只有一个主要导师, 和那些不太经常帮助你的人在一起.

找一个和你没有监督关系的人. 寻找一个你可以毫不犹豫地与之进行开诚布公对话的人.

不要害怕请另一位澳门赌场官网做你的导师. 如果你觉得更舒服的话, 请他们成为你练习的一个方面的导师, 比如试用技巧或客户开发.


You may already have someone you occasionally contact to answer questions about case procedures or your practice. 考虑让那个人成为你的导师.

导师通常是通过网络找到的. 参加专业活动,结识愿意提供指导的澳门赌场官网. 为维.C. 酒吧主办的活动,参观 在线活动日历.

花点时间在法庭上观察其他澳门赌场官网. 如果你观察到一个澳门赌场官网表现出你钦佩的技能或行为举止,联系他. 寄一张便条或一封信. 邀请澳门赌场官网共进商务午餐(你请客),讨论共同之处. 如果第一次会议成功,要求安排另一次会议.

扫描, LinkedIn, Martindale-Hubbell, or, 其他社交媒体, online lawyer listings to find biographical information about lawyers who may have experience and characteristics you are trying to find in a mentor. 看看他们的个人或澳门赌场官网事务所网页上是否有相关信息. D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会成员应考虑加入D.C. 领英上的酒吧群.

加入一个 自愿澳门赌场官网协会 寻找有相似兴趣或背景的澳门赌场官网.

在法学院校友通讯上刊登广告. You need not give your name, but include some characteristics you are seeking in the mentor. 只提供工作单位的联系方式.

传统的指导是一对一的, 但如今,小型团体往往能更好地满足澳门赌场官网的需求. 考虑组成一个由一到两个资深澳门赌场官网组成的小组, 几位职业生涯中期的澳门赌场官网, 还有几位澳门赌场官网执业不到五年.


  • 最初的几次会议应该由监护人发起, 并尽可能提前安排,以避免冲突. The mentor and the protegé should develop their own protocol for rescheduling meetings that are unavoidably postponed.
  • 信任是每一个成功的师徒关系的基础. 与任何个人关系一样,建立信任需要时间. Trust is built through open and honest sharing of troubles, successes, and life experiences. The mentoring relationship is perpetuated by honoring that trust and keeping the shared information confidential.
  • 准备好参加会议. The protege should spend time before the meeting to consider questions he or she may have for the mentor. 导师也可以为将要讨论的话题做准备.
  • 设定要完成的现实目标. 你希望达到或学到什么? 跟踪每次会议的进展.
  • 在会议间隙用电话和电子邮件保持联系.
  • The protegé should refrain from disclosing to the mentor any confidences or secrets of the protégé’s clients to which the duty of confidentiality applies, 如规则1所述.6 . D.C. 职业行为准则. Any discussions between the mentor and protégé about substantive legal problems encountered by the protégé in the practice of law must always be on a hypothetical basis, 只要这些讨论涉及规则1规定的机密客户信息.6.


Discussions between mentors and protegés may focus on general issues related to the legal profession and the practice of law, 如:

  • 有效的澳门赌场官网/客户沟通
  • 专业精神与法律伦理
  • 澳门赌场官网事务所管理
  • 实践和职业发展
  • 平衡事业与家庭和个人生活
  • 法律实践的转变和选择

讨论可能涉及实质性法律问题, 根据上述建议协议区域中讨论的道德义务. 也, both participants must recognize that the mentor is prohibited from giving legal advice to the protegé’s clients, and that it is the protegé’s professional responsibility to make all decisions about representation of the protegé’s clients on the basis of preparation independent of any discussions with the mentor.


  • 参加最高法院的辩论
  • 每月吃一次午餐
  • 参加一个CLE项目
  • 一起设计并呈现一个CLE课程
  • 参加维.C. 酒吧的功能,如年度晚宴或高尔夫球赛
  • 参观法院
  • 邀请另一位澳门赌场官网和你一起吃早餐,把他介绍给你的导师或导师


  • That it takes time to build a relationship of trust and respect; give the relationship a chance to form over the course of several or more meetings.
  • 尽早沟通,试着了解导师和前任的期望.
  • Mentoring is not designed to be a substitute for continuing legal education or to provide job hunting opportunities or client referrals for new lawyers, 而是培养这个行业的最高理想.
  • If the mentoring is not of value to either the mentor or protégé, take the initiative to discuss it. 最好是在积极的基础上解决问题,结束这段关系. 不要害怕尝试其他导师.
  • 不要指望导师知道所有问题的答案. 导师从经验中提供指导,并与员工分享这些智慧. 给出答案的引导比给出答案要有益得多.


D.C. 酒吧 legal ethics counsel are available to assist all participants in the program on questions about confidentiality of communications and the avoidance of conflicts of interest that might arise during the mentoring relationship.

获取更多关于指导的信息, please contact the 执业管理谘询服务 at 202-780-2762 or 202-780-2764 and consider attending a session of 基本训练 if you are interested in learning more about how a solo or small firm functions and in networking with other lawyers.


作者:Ida O. 阿伯特
